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Is Living on a Boat Cost Effective?

With property prices so high, more and more people are starting to live on boats. They might be canal boats, river boats, or larger boats with multiple rooms that have been turned into residences. Whatever shape or size the boat, if people can live on it, there is potential for it to become a home…. Read more »

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Could you Live on a Barge?

If you love sailing and being on the water, have you ever thought about living on a boat? Many house boats are now very popular, and won’t actually be any cheaper than a house! However, living on a barge could be a great compromise, giving you the chance to spend much of your life on… Read more »

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Some General Safety Rules for Sailing

Sailing is a brilliant hobby that has so much to give. You can keep learning more about it for years to come – even the most experienced sailors are still learning new things about their boats, sailing equipment and sailing techniques. If you are new to the hobby, here are some basic safety tips to… Read more »

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How to Save Money on your Boat’s Fuel Bill

Using a powerboat is an exhilarating experience. However, it is not always the most economic or environmentally friendly or pursuits due to the large fuel bills you can run up along the way. Once you start to push up the power and the boat begins to lift out of the water, fuel consumption is only… Read more »

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Sailing on Holiday – Making a Business from your Boat

Sailing and making money from it is definitely the dream for lots of people. Being out on the sea, in the sun, on a beautiful boat – it’s easy to see the appeal. The boating business is not an easy way to survive though, so make sure you know what you are going to do… Read more »

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Could There be a New Way to Dispose of Outdated Flares?

Disposing of flares that are out of date is a big problem. The Ministry of Defence stopped collecting flares from Maritime and Coastguard Agency stations back in 2009, leaving boats with few options for disposal. There are now very few place where flares can be disposed of in the UK and it can be expensive… Read more »

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How Easy is it to Build Your Own Boat?

Boats can cost so much money. That’s one of the reasons why people are now choosing to build there own boats – it is so much more affordable and can be a great and rewarding project as well. It doesn’t have to be built entirely from scratch as you might be able to get a… Read more »

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Beginning a Boat Hire Business

Boats can cost a lot of money for upkeep, tethering etc. If you already own a boat that has room for passengers, why not think about renting it out to people when you are not using it? This will help to generate some money to help you pay for the costs associated with being a… Read more »

Selling your Boat

If you’ve grown tired of your current boat and are interested in upgrading or even just hanging up the captain’s hat altogether, you may want to know more about how you can sell your boat. 1.  You can contact a brokerage One of the most popular methods for selling a boat is by contacting a… Read more »

Considerations for a Hovercraft

Hovercraft are by no means a typical boat purchase, but they are still pretty cool. While the market for them is certainly not the same size as more typical marine vehicle, there is still a customer base for them. If you’re one such person who is considering purchasing a hovercraft instead of a boat in… Read more »

  • Taking pleasure in deep...

    Boating undoubtedly helps children build up their self-consciousness, while involving in activities like fishing and boating kids literally derive fun and jollity. You will be amazed to see how pleasurable the experience can be when your little kid involve in fishing and his delicate hands take out small fries, it will not only please him… Read more »

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    Posted on May 26, 2015 by
  • Looking to hire a...

    If you’re looking to go away to Amsterdam for a week then you may look to hire out a house boat in the centre of the city. For a relivately low cost, you can enjoy the city directly from the river. Here are some of the best places to check out in Amsterdam; Top Center… Read more »

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    Posted on March 24, 2015 by
  • Luxury House boats –...

    House boats are becoming a popular choice in the UK for a number of external factors that many homeowners cannot control. For example, utility prices continue to drive the amount of disposable income of families up and down the country as prices continue to rise and the pockets of the big 6 energy suppliers continues… Read more »

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    Posted on February 25, 2015 by
  • Houseboats and their appeal...

    Amsterdam is the main city for houseboats. The number of weaving canals, rivers and small tributaries makes them quite appealing, especially on the basis that it is one of the most built up cities in the world. However, in the UK houseboats could be another potential way to own a place to live for a… Read more »

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    Posted on January 22, 2015 by
  • Giving your boat a...

    Most boaters will start organising their belongings, clearing their boats out for the winter period, and a complete spring clean can ensure your boat is ready for the ‘hibernation’ period. You’re unlikely to use your boat in the frosty months, and it’s important to make sure you don’t have any valuable items left onboard. When… Read more »

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    Posted on October 28, 2014 by
  • Information about new narrowboats

    Narrow boats are long and narrow water vehicles that are designed to be steered in gentle courses of canals and other water systems. They have ample space and are often used for shipping cargo across small water bodies or sightseeing and cruising for tourists. Since their invention as far back as the 1800’s, these boats… Read more »

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    Posted on September 26, 2014 by