Considerations for a Hovercraft

Hovercraft are by no means a typical boat purchase, but they are still pretty cool. While the market for them is certainly not the same size as more typical marine vehicle, there is still a customer base for them. If you’re one such person who is considering purchasing a hovercraft instead of a boat in order to get around the ocean, there are some things to bear in mind.

Poor mechanical Support

This isn’t necessarily the case, but good quality mechanics that are trained in repairing hovercrafts can be difficult to find everywhere except for in areas where they are common. As most harbours don’t really have any mechanics who are trained in them, finding mechanics who can do it is difficult.

Not Practical in Rough Weather

When you’re riding around in a hovercraft, you don’t really feel what it going on down below you, but this can give you a bit of a false sense of security. There is a persistent risk with hovercrafts that your vehicle could get swamped by large waves and end up foundering.

They Work Well in Shallow Waters

The main benefit to hovercrafts is how they are amphibious vehicles, meaning that they can work on both land and water. This makes them ideal for environments where you have to travel in and around sand bars, as you can just drive over them; no problem.

Written by Gavin